School Management

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School Management

Content Management System

School Management is useful content management system to create and maintain records of school detail, student detail, student attendance, teacher detail, teacher attendance, student results, and previous year data also.

This content management system also contain the detail about the hostel and library. It contains every records about hostel detail, hostel registration, hostel transfer, hostel vacate, library books detail, borrow book detail, return book detail.

This content management system works in desktop and mobiles. This CMS has multiple role login. School Management is for multiple schools. Every records are yearwise and schoolwise in this CMS. It also contain the school fee allocation, school fee collection, hostel fees collection, view fees studentwise and genrate fees receipts.

About us

CRMSR-SE Useful For

Multiple School Records

Trusty can add multiple school. And view all the records schoolwise and yearwise. Trusty can add principal, teachers etc schoolwise.

Student and Teacher Attendance

Teacher can Record attendance for every student classwise and also modify previous attendance. Teacher attendance also can be recorded and modified.

Student Results

Teacher can add classwise student result and also can modify it. Current year result and previous year result is shown yearwise and schoolwise.

Fees Collection

Keep records of studentwise school fees collection and hostrl fees collection and generates fees reciepts.


Contain hostel detail and keep records of hostel registration, hostel transfer, hostel vacate.


Contain books data, book borrow detail, book return detail.

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